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Educational Bureau of Ocean Park

Beginnings and Founders


In 1881 a group of Free Will Baptist ministers founded Ocean Park as a summer assembly location for the Free Will Baptists. By 1885, the ladies in the community recognized the need for an additional organization to cater to community needs beyond the religious programming. Thus the "Women's Bureau of Ocean Park" was founded in 1885. Mrs. Clara Dexter was its first president. Article II of its Constitution, adopted August 5, 1885, read as follows: "The object of the Bureau shall be to promote the physical, mental, and spiritual culture of women and children."

Curtis circa 1900By 1886 work with children started with the Reverend Lewis Dexter as teacher. Forty entered the course in Bible geography and history. Fourteen completed the work with a written examination and received diplomas. Soon, many other programs were offered including craft classes, nature study, and physical culture. In 1888 the Women's Bureau incorporated so that they could legally own property, a step necessary to complete the purchase of The Curtis. The Women's Bureau name was changed to "The Educational Bureau of Ocean Park" to better represent the goals of the organization.

A major enterprise undertaken by the Educational Bureau was the purchase of the Blake Industrial Building next to the Curtis in 1893 to provide hot food and groceries to the community. (See Blake Cottage link). Then in 1901 the Bureau voted "to secure a traveling library" for use by Ocean Park visitors. From 1902 until the current library was built in 1924, the Ed Bureau obtained sets of books circulated by the State of Maine and housed them in a room at the Curtis for the summer season.

Always sensitive to the needs of the community, the Ed Bureau undertook the construction of the Agnes L. Park Recreation Building in 1949 to provide a center for recreational activities. It was financed and equipped by the Bureau, which maintained and operated it until 1961, when it was deeded to the Ocean Park Association as a gift to the community. Agnes Park served as President of the Educational Bureau from 1937 to 1951 and spearheaded the entire project.

Ecology Aventure CampToday the organization continues to provide activities for both children and adults in the community. Bible School, art classes, Theatre Dance Camp, Ecology Adventure Camp, and Children's Beach Olympics are among the current children's offerings. The Bureau a July Bazaar and Luncheon and an August Lawn/Craft/Food Sale. Register for a sale table at the Bazaars. You can also find our events on the Ocean Park Association Event Calendar when it's updated for summer 2025. In addition to these programs, the Educational Bureau owns and maintains the Curtis and the adjoining 4 bedroom Blake Cottage, which is rented on a weekly basis. Residents and visitors are invited to participate and become members in this historic and active organization.